KS-Soft MIB Browser 1.08
MIB Browser allows you to view the hierarchy of SNMP MIB variables in the form of a tree and provides you with additional information about each node.
With MIB Browser you can easily load (compile) standard and proprietary MIB files, view and manipulate data that is available in an SNMP agent.
When you are configuring SNMP Get or SNMP Trap test methods with MIB Browser installed HostMonitor allows you to specify SNMP variables by a name (e.g. iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysUpTime.0) as well as by an OID in numeric format (e.g. If you click on "Browse MIBs" button next to "OID" field, HostMonitor will launch MIB Browser displaying the hierarchy tree of SNMP variables. The specified variable (if any) is highlighted and additional information is displayed for it (such as status, access mode, description). Now you may browse variables, choose another variable if needed and click [Ok] button to use the selected variable by HostMonitor.
Also, by using a database of compiled MIB files HostMonitor may translate OID from its numeric form to the MIB name for received SNMP Trap messages. In such case MIB Browser is needed when you want to extend a database to include information about MIBs supported by some specific SNMP enabled device (e.g. your CISCO 1603 router).
MIB Browser may perform SNMP Get and Get_Next requests allowing you to check the propriety and current value of the counter on specific SNMP agent.
By the way: you may find IP-Tools' SNMP Scanner utility useful for your needs. SNMP Scanner allows you to scan a range or list of hosts performing Ping, DNS and SNMP queries. For each SNMP responding device the scanner displays additional information. More information about SNMP Scanner is available at http://www.ks-soft.net/ip-tools.eng/mframe.htm#info.htm#snmpscan
Interface of the browser is simple and straightforward so we note just few key points:
Main window
Main screen displays the hierarchy of SNMP MIB variables in the form of a tree and provides you with the following additional information about each node of the tree:
* Name
* Access
* Status
* Description
* Press "+" or "*" to expand a tree node. If you press "+", immediate sub-nodes of the selected node will be displayed. If you press "*", all descendants of the immediate sub-nodes will be expanded as well. When the node is expanded the [-] button appears next to the node name.
* To collapse a tree node press "-". When a node is collapsed, all of its sub-nodes are hidden and the [+] button will be displayed near the node name.
Menu File
Allows you to perform operations with MIB files and MIB database (the database stores information about all compiled MIB files). This menu is disabled when MIB Browser is started while you were editing a HostMonitor's test item.
- Append MIB file Brings up an "Open file" dialog, reads specified MIB file, analyzes the structure and adds branch(es) with SNMP variables into the database, displays updated tree with new items. You may use menu View->Statistics to get information about every analyzed MIB file that is included into database
- Load database Discards all changes and loads previously saved database
- Save database Saves all changes into MIB database
- Clear Removes all compiled MIBs from database
- Exit Closes application
Note: MIB files are provided by vendors of SNMP enabled devices. If you cannot contact the vendor, try to find the file on the Internet. Numerous free resources offer wide lists of MIB files for various devices (e.g. http://www.mibdepot.com/index.shtml)
Menu Search
- Find name Searches for specific name, and highlights the first occurrence. The search is case insensitive
- Search next Searches for the next entry of the specified name
- Find OID Searches for the specific OID (e.g.
Menu View
- Get counter value Brings up SNMP Get window that allows you to perform SNMP Get and Get_Next requests against SNMP agents. You may also use popup menu items "Get value" and "Get next".
- Statistics Displays information about every analyzed MIB file that is included into the database: MIB name, date when file was analyzed, how many items are specified in the file and the number of errors (if any)
Menu Help
- Help Displays Help
- Support Allows you to send an e-mail request to our tech support staff
- About Information about program
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