Coollector 2.17

Coollector is a great tool, a piece of software like no other and child-play to use.

Coollector is the mix between an encyclopedia of movies, a video collection manager (owned DVD, VHS, etc...) and a store catalog. All tightly combined !

In other words, Coollector blends 3 types of information into a unique interface: your cinematographical culture + your personal collection + the videos available in store ( rated movies and persons )

This innovative 3-in-1 concept offers a completely new experience to movie lovers because each part interacts deeply and naturally with the others.

The many benefits of those interactions are listed on the right

Here are some key features of "Coollector":

ENCYCLOPEDIA + collection manager
· Personalized encyclopedia.
· At a glance, you see what you already know, like, dislike, what you own, loaned, etc...
· It's an unprecedented perspective on your cinematographical culture and tastes.
· Helps you visualize who are your favorite directors, actors, etc...
· Easier to locate must-see movies.

COLLECTION MANAGER + shopping tool
· If there's a video you'd like to purchase, it is only one click away.
· When you enter a video in your collection, it can be as simple as ripping all the technical details from the corresponding video in store.
· During catalog updates, you get special notice when a video release involves a person that you had put under "video surveillance".

SHOPPING TOOL + collection manager
· It becomes impossible to inadvertantly buy a DVD you already own, or from a director that you don't like.
· Some online stores offer a wishlist service. Now, your have 1 wishlist for all the stores.

SHOPPING TOOL + encyclopedia
· Browsing store catalogs within Coollector is much more conveniant than browsing them online.
· It's faster, and you can perform more powerful searches.
· Coollector is organized in a (more natural) movie-centric way: if there are 2 DVD and 1 VHS of a movie, Coollector shows 1 movie available in 3 medias.
· With Coollector, packs of movies are well broken into single movies.

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