TubeSucker 5.0.001

TubeSucker lets you to batch download YouTube videos. Just type in any search topic and all of the videos for that search criteria will start downloading.

TubeSucker lets you batch download 1000's of videos of your favorite artist from

Tube Sucker makes downloading videos from the internet and watching them from your PC quick, easy, fun and enjoyable. Instead of a long process of drudgery.

Type in a search topic or artist name, click and go!

Come back later and have tons of videos on your hard drive ready for instant playback. Watch 1000's of videos on your hard drive with no internet delays. Instant playback makes all the difference in your internet video experience.

Use TubeSucker's built-in media player to easily access all of your media files.

Everything you need is all right there in one application that makes the whole process of downloading and watching media seemless and fun. No painful waiting for things to download.

You can even use an inexpensive hand-held remote control (ATI Remote Wonder) that controls the playback of all your video, music, and pictures from your PC. Send the video output from your PC to your television and the remote control makes it feel just like regular television.

TubeSucker is a blast to use . It makes downloading videos from the internet feasible and enjoyable, and fun. And the built-in media player is easier to use than Windows Media Player.

Tube Sucker is like a TIVO device for every video ever made. And no commercials.

TubeSucker is the perfect compliment to your Apple Video IPOD, Home Theater System, HDTV, PC with TV Out, etc.

Download .FLV files from YouTube so you can store them on your hard drive for instant playback, without the typical internet wait that wastes your time and sucks the life you. Instant playback is 10 times more fun because you can watch 10 times more videos in the same amount of time.

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