ClamAV/SOSDG 0.93.3-1a

ClamAV/SOSDG For Windows

The latest version of ClamAV/SOSDG is: 0.93.3-1a
This version was released on: 7/11/2008
The author/builder of this version is: Brielle Bruns
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ClamAV/SOSDG is a port of the powerful ClamAV anti-virus software package from UNIX/Linux to Windows using the Cygwin compatibility layer. It has been tweaked to the best of our abilities while still maintaing complete compatibility with the original version, allowing unmatched compatibility with other apps that can use ClamAV.

Like the original version, ClamAV/SOSDG is based on the GPL v2 license, which means it is free to download and use provided if you make any changes, that you contribute them back to the community.

You can download the source code via SVN at the GoogleCode website. Please note that unless you are an active SOSDG developer, you will only be able to download the source code, not commit changes.

The SOSDG would like to thank Google for providing such an amazing service to the open source/free software community!

If you would like to report a bug, you can use our Issue Tracker site

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